Live Web Chat

Sasha manages your website to help answer questions, book classes or appointments, and connect with new clients

Text-based Outreach

Sasha responds to your missed calls via text with quick-empathic responses 24/7. And it’s all fully automated, so you don’t have to lift a finger.


Technology that matches how you run your business, not the other way around. Freedom to structure your business your way.


Sasha provides a personal touch with your customers

Sasha remembers your customers' preferences. With each conversation, she becomes more capable and intuitive.

  • Ability to learn your unique business needs
  • Understand why your customers are calling
  • Your brand's voice

Syncs with your booking software

One of our primary goals at True Lark is to take as much off your plate as possible so that you and your staff are freed up to focus on what's important. This means making it easy to set up and use True Lark and helping you and your customers get things done. By integrating into your booking software our AI is better equipped to help your customers and is able to sync changes to your software seamlessly.


Our partners


Handles any scenario your business needs

Sasha supports hundreds of different business scenario from accepting payment, unique booking questions (ex. preferred massage pressure), notifying staff when consumers are locked outside of the business, and so much more.

Take the conversation from your website on-the-go via text messaging. 


How does Sasha work?

Handles customer inquiries 24/7

Sasha engages your guests immediately after a missed call, form fill, or on your website

Syncs with your software

Where needed, Sasha updates your calendar so that you and your staff are kept up-to-date

Keeps you informed

Sasha summarizes results and notifies you when something needs your immediate attention

Hire your human-like business assistant

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